Detailed CV of Fulgence MUHAWENIMANA
I. PERSONAL PROFILE First Name: MUHAWENIMANA Fulgence Sex: Male Date of Birth: 27/10/1987 Marital Status: Single Nationality: Rwandan Email: Phone Number: 0788684806/0784558082 Twitter: @FulgenceM87 Born: Nyamasheke District, Western Province Living Residence: Kamonyi District, Southern District Father's name: Munyandinda Zaacharie Mother's name: Mukabahizi Jacqueline II. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND From 2009-2012: Student at the former National University or Rwanda (NUR) Award: Bachelor Degree with Honour in Journalism and Communication (Journalism Option) From 2005-2007: Advanced level at G.S Shyogwe in Literature (Lettres) Award: Advanced General certificate of Secondary Education III. ACCOMPLI...