
Showing posts from June 4, 2011


WELCOME TO THIS BLOG BROUGHT TO YOU!ENJOY! BY FULGENCE MUHAWENIMANA The National University of Rwanda is now trying to solve the problem of the Students living far from the Campus. The NUR is known as having various faculties and this pushes  it to receive every year a large number of students who finish their secondary studies to continue their university studies in this institution. Now, NUR is building new hostels which will host a large number of students. Some of the Students living far from the campus say that they will benefit more from those new hostels being built, once they are finished. ˝I live at Tumba where I use about three kilometers. So, once I get a room in the campus, it will be a good moment to use the time I use to reach my home concentrating on my studies˝, SIBOMANA Pie, a third Year student in Modern languages. The existing hostels in the campus are not able to receive all students. According to some of them, the fact that they live outside the campus ...

The NUR community is multifunctional.

WELCOME TO THIS BLOG BROUGHT TO YOU!ENJOY! Many people may be thinking that the main task of university students is to study band get their bachelors degree. This is not true and it has to be undersood in a broader sense at all. When the nur sudents move around the surbubs of huye district helping people, it is beyond their courses. Sometimes the nur community especially the students organise the actions of helping the people who actualy unable to build houses and help them get homes where to live.This is one of the main motor of NUR as it says,excellent in education and service to the people. This is an example of second year students in EJC when they were helping a genocide widow get a home.And this is a documentary done to show various activities in which the nur students participate. For more info. click on this link to watch the video :


WELCOME TO THIS BLOG BROUGHT TO YOU!ENJOY The National University of Rwanda is now trying to solve the problem of the Students living far from the Campus. The NUR is known as having various faculties and this pushes  it to receive every year a large number of students who finish their secondary studies to continue their university studies in this institution. Now, NUR is building new hostels which will host a large number of students. Some of the Students living far from the campus say that they will benefit more from those new hostels being built, once they are finished. ˝I live at Tumba where I use about three kilometers. So, once I get a room in the campus, it will be a good moment to use the time I use to reach my home concentrating on my studies˝, SIBOMANA Pie, a third Year student in Modern languages. The existing hostels in the campus are not able to receive all students. According to some of them, the fact that they live outside the campus seems to be a barrier to their ...


WELCOME TO THIS BLOG BROUGHT TO YOU!ENJOY!  By Fulgence MUHAWENIMANA Vérité Many people may be thinking that the main task of university students is to study band get their bachelors degree. This is not true and it has to be undersood in a broader sense at all. When the nur sudents move around the surbubs of huye district helping people, it is beyond their courses. Sometimes the nur community especially the students organise the actions of helping the people who actualy unable to build houses and help them get homes where to live.This is one of the main motor of NUR as it says,excellent in education and service to the people. This is an example of second year students in EJC when they were helping a genocide widow get a home.And this is a documentary done to show various activities in which the nur students participate. For more info. click on this link to watch the video